living room

Clever Furniture and Decor Pieces Your Small Space Needs

Cramped for space and in need of an interior upgrade? It’s OK to expect more out of your furniture! Small-space living is all about making the most of what you have. Luckily, today’s offerings have upped the ante–offering extra storage or performing double duty, in many cases. It’s all about picking the most capable product that will …

girl and dogs
Have a pet

Be kind and friendly to everything alive!

Observe Friendliness in OthersIf you are not naturally friendly, you might feel awkward when you first try to be more open and welcoming with others. One way to warm up to being friendly is to think of an outgoing person you know and learn to mimic her postures, words and behaviors. For example, neuropsychologist Rick …


Some Things to Think About When Buying a New Bed Set

Getting a doctor’s recommended eight hours of sleep a night is easier said than done—we all know that. Work, kids, events, stress, a good book—all those things can get in the way. But one thing that shouldn’t disrupt your ability to sleep is your bed itself. Your bed should be a haven of comfort and warmth. And …


How to clean your furniture properly

1. Clean with soap and water. A damp washcloth and mild dish soap are usually all you need to clean your furniture. After cleaning, rinse with a soap-free, damp cloth; then dry the surface with a third washcloth. Avoid all cleaners containing ammonia; ammonia can damage wooden furniture. 2. Polish furniture after cleaning. Every time …